воскресенье, 10 июня 2012 г.

Офицеры и джентльмены.Officers and Gentlemen (1955).//Во.Evelyn Waugh >

Waugh Evlen Arthur St. John
Во И. Офицеры и джентльмены. / Пер. П.Павелецкий, И.Разумный, А.Шевченко. — М.: Воениздат, 1979.

Аннотация: После войны, в которой Во участвовал и как военный корреспондент, а также служил в действующей армии, он опубликовал трилогию "Меч почета” ("Люди в армии”, 1952; "Офицеры и джентльмены”, 1955; "Безоговорочная капитуляция”, 1961) — крупнейшее в английской прозе произведение о второй мировой войне. Сатира (на армейские нравы, бездарность военного начальства) сочетается с поиском некоего нравственного позитива: главный герой, представитель старинного аристократического рода, познав жестокости войны, учится самоотречению и доброте.
От производителя
В романе "Офицеры и джентльмены" под беспощадным пером Ивлина Во оказалась краса и гордость Британии - ее армия.
Кумиры викторианской Англии, "строители Империи" предстают в произведении плохими актерами, играющими в бессмысленной, фарсовой пьесе.
Они глупы и напыщенны.
Они очень стараются соответствовать традиционным представлениям о себе. И чем больше стараются - тем забавнее выглядят...

Меч почета / англ. Sword of Honour — трилогия об армии Великобритании во время ВМВ

  • Люди при оружии / англ. Men at Arms (1952, рус. перевод 1979)
  • Офицеры и Джентльмены / англ. Officers and Gentlemen (1955, рус. перевод 1979)
  • Безоговорочная капитуляция / англ. Unconditional Surrender (1961, рус. перевод 1979)
  • Evelyn Waugh > Officers and Gentlemen
(The second book in the Sword of Honour series)

ЧАСТЬ ПЯТАЯ. ЭПТОРП УМИРОТВОРЕННЫЙ - (в моем издании это начало книги"Офицеры и Джентльмены ")
ЧАСТЬ ШЕСТАЯ. СЧАСТЛИВЫЕ ВОИНЫ (в моем издании это № 8)

В моей книге переводчик Глеб Борисович Косов (18.08.1931—20.08.2009)

http://militera.lib.ru/prose/foreign/waugh2/index.html   - Офицеры и Джентльмены

http://lib.ru/WO/swrdhonr.txt   -   здесь все 3 книги трилогии

 Гай Краучбек = Guy Crouchback

Томми Блэкхаус полковник Tommy Blackhouse

"Джамбо"  [Jumbo  -  большой  неуклюжий  человек,  увалень,   "медведь"
(англ.)]  Троттер   Colonel 'Jumbo' Trotter

Ритчи-Хук  Brigadier Ritchie-Hook

Айвор  Клэр   Ivor Claire

миссис Элджернон Ститч  Mrs Stitch
Джулия Ститч   Julia Stitch

Майор Хаунд  Major Hound

старшина Людович   Corporal-Major Ludovic

дядя Перегрин  uncle Peregrine

Лейкок (Laycock) Роберт Эдуард (18.4.1907, Лондон -10.3.1968, Уисетон, близ Донкастера), британский военный деятель, генерал-лейтенант. Образование получил в Итоне, Королевской военной академии в Сандхурсте (1927) и штабном колледже в Кемберли (1940).
Major General Sir Robert Edward Laycock KCMG, CB, DSO, KStJ (18 April 1907 – 10 March 1968) was a British soldier, most famous for his service with the commandos during the Second World War. Laycock is probably the model (in some respects) for Tommy Blackhouse in Evelyn Waugh's Sword of Honour trilogy.

Ian Kilbannok

Turtle's Club

St James street


Holly saturday

Air Mashal Beech

Джоуб Job

Arthur Box-Bender

H.O.O.HQ штаб специальных операций

By the end of the book he has again asserted himself, in the rescue of a group of Jewish refugees. The words of one of them, a woman, bring him to a devastating realization of the kind of man he used to be:
"It is too simple to say that only the Nazis wanted war. These Communists wanted it too. It was the only way in which they could come to power. Many of my people wanted it, to be revenged on the Germans, to hasten the creation of the national state ... Even good men thought their private honour would be satisfied by war. They could assert their manhood by killing and being killed. They would accept hardships in recompense for having been selfish and lazy. Danger justified privilege. I knew Italians - not very many perhaps - who felt this. Were there none in England?" "God forgive me," said Guy, "I was one of them."

Glossary of English and British Words   http://projectbritain.com/glossary/index.htm


This show provides examples of:
  • An Officer and a Gentleman - Guy Crouchback, Tommy Blackhouse, Ivor Claire. Averted by Corporal-Major Ludovic, who is later promoted but retains his working-class origins.
  • Armchair Military - Colonel 'Jumbo' Trotter, happy to see the war out from a comfortable seated position.
  • Armed Farces - Big time.
  • Born in the Wrong Century - Guy Crouchback is inspired by the example of an English knight buried beneath the local church. Sir Roger de Waybrook left England to take part in the Crusades, but died in a local brawl before getting even halfway there.
  • Church Militant - Uncle Peregrine's fantasy of a pan-European Catholic uprising against the Nazis.
  • Cool Old Guy - Brigadier Ritchie-Hook, and probably Colonel Trotter.
  • Cool Sword - The Sword of Stalingrad, commissioned by the King on behalf of the British people, to acknowledge the sacrifice of the Soviet forces at Stalingrad.
  • Cultured Warrior - Guy certainly, but also somewhat subverted by Ludovic, who writes poetry, keeps a diary, refers to his binoculars as "opera glasses", and originally trained as a cavalryman. Upheld by Frank de Souza, who cannot finish a sentence without invoking Shakespeare.
  • Deadpan Snarker - Ludovic, and to a smaller extent Crouchback.
  • Dirty Communists - Frank de Souza, the Croatian Partisans, Sir Ralph Brompton, and roughly half of the Hazardous Offensive Operations division. Mind you, Waugh was so right-wing by the time of writing he seems to think Britain itself was turning into a Communist country.
  • End of an Age - Guy's father, uncle, and wife are all dead, London is full of foreign soldiers, Britain is the junior partner in a web of alliances that includes the Soviet Union (which Guy felt was part of the 'great enemy in sight at last, huge, far-off, and hateful'.
  • Fat Idiot - Major Hound
  • Evilly Affable - Julia Stitch, Ludovic, Brompton again.
  • Gold Digger - Virginia Troy, and doesn't she just know it?
  • Knight in Shining Armor: Guy pretty obviously thinks of himself as this.
  • Those Wacky Nazis - Notable by their absence. Apart from the occasional doodlebug, and the Stukas in Crete, only one German soldier (a despatch rider on a Cretan dirt road) ever appears.
  • Upper Class Twit - Apthorpe, Major Hound.
  • What Happened to the Mouse? - Major Hound's disappearance. After Hound and Ludovic spend some time off-screen during the retreat, only Ludovic appears at the evacuation beach wearing Hound's shoulder badges. Ludovic merely states to Crouchback a long time later that he cannot remember anything, but his slowly growing mental instability suggests that he knows more than he is telling.

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