пятница, 4 января 2013 г.

Джозеф Мэллорд Уильям Тернер (Joseph Mallord William Turner) (1775—1851)

 Рёскин (Раскин) Джон открыл миру Тёрнера как великого пейзажиста.
Ruskin's note on this drawing was 'An early drawing characteristic of his first architectural studies'. It was painted around 1792-93, when Turner was seventeen or eighteen years old, and was probably based on sketches which Turner made during a tour of Kent in 1792. Turner joined the Royal Academy schools in 1789, and around the same time began to work under Thomas Malton (1748-1804), who specialised in architectural draughtsmanship. The assured handling of perspective in this watercolour shows the influence of Malton's teaching, although the broken colour and more dramatic sense of lighting also suggest that Turner was familiar with the work of Edward Dayes (1763-1804) and Thomas Hearne (1744-1817), two of the leading topographical painters of the day. (Text from the 'Ruskin's Turners' Exhibition Website)

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