четверг, 9 октября 2014 г.

Британские поэты

Британские поэты, вошедшие в исследование (1290-1949)
№ периода даты Имена поэтов
1 1290-1309 Richard Rolle, Laurence Minot
2 1310-29 John Cower, John Barbour
3 1330-49 Geoffrey Chaucer, William Langland
4 1350-69 Thomas Hoccleve, Andrew of Wyntoun
5 1370-89 John Lydgate, John Hardyng
6 1390-1409 James I (king of Scotland), Charles of Orleans
7 1410-29 Robert Henryson, Benedict Burgh
8 1430-49 Thomas Norton, Blind Hary
9 1450-69 John Skelton, William Dunbar
10 1470-89 Sir Thomas More, Steven Hawes
11 1490-1509 Sir Thomas Wyatt, John Heywood
12 1510-29 Henry Howard (Earl of Surrey); Thomas, Lord Vaux
13 1530-49 Thomas Sackville (Earl of Dorset), Nicholas Breton, Sir Edward Dyer, George Turberville, George Gascoigne, Giles Fletcher the elder
14 1550-69 Edmund Spenser, William Shakespeare, Samuel Daniel, Michael Drayton, Sir John Davies, Sir Walter Ralegh, Sir Philip Sidney
15 1570-89 John Donne; Ben Jonson; William Drummond of Hawthornden; George Wither; Edward, Lord Herbert; Phineas Fletcher; Francis Beaumont
16 1590-1609 John Milton, Robert Herrick, George Herbert, Thomas Carew, Francis Quarles, Edmund Waller, Sir John Suckling
17 1610-29 Richard Crashaw, Andrew Marvell, Henry Vaughan, Abraham Cowley, Richard Lovelace, Joseph Beaumont
18 1630-49 John Dryden, Thomas Traherne, John Wilmot (Earl of Rochester), Charles Cotton, Sir Charles Sedley, Charles Sackville (Earl of Dorset), Katherine Philips
19 1650-69 Jonathan Swift, Matthew Prior, John Pomfret, Anne Finch (Countess of Winchelsea), Daniel Defoe, William Walsh, John Oldham
20 1670-89 Alexander Pope, John Gay, Isaac Watts, Thomas Tickell, Joseph Addison, Nicholas Rowe, Thomas Parncll
21 1690-1709 James Thomson, John Byrom, John Dyer, Samuel Johnson, Charles Wesley, William Hamilton of Bangour, Matthew Green
22 1710-29 Thomas Gray, Christopher Smart, William Collins, Oliver Goldsmith, Mark Akenside, William Shenstone, William Whitehead
23 1730-49 William Cowper, William Mickle, Charles Churchill, James Beattie, John Langhorne, John Wolcot (Peter Pindar), Erasmus Darwin
24 1750-69 Robert Burns, Thomas Chatterton, William Blake, George Crabbe, Sir John Henry Moore, Thomas Russell, William L. Bowles
25 1770-89 William Wordsworth, George Gordon (Lord Byron), Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Sir Walter Scott, Thomas Moore, Walter Savage Landor, Thomas Campbell
26 1790-1809 Alfred, Lord Tennyson; John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Clare, George Darley, J. H. Reynolds, Thomas Hood
27 1810-29 Robert Browning, Matthew Arnold, George Meredith, Dante Gabriel
Rossetti, Sidney Dobell, Emily Bronte, A. H. Clough
28 1830-49 Algernon Charles Swinburne, Thomas Hardy, William Morris, Gerard Manley Hopkins, James Thomson, Christina Rossetti, Robert Bridges
29 1850-69 Laurence Binyon, William Butler Yeats, Francis Thompson, Oscar Wilde, Lionel Johnson, Ernest Dowson, George William Russell (A.E.)
30 1870-89 T. S. Eliot, D. H. Lawrence, Sir John Squire, Ralph Hodgson, Edith Sitwell, Rupert Brooke, John Masefield
31 1890-1909 W. H. Auden, Sir John Betjeman, Basil Bunting, Louis MacNeice, Robert Graves, Wilfred Owen, Hugh MacDiarmid

32 1910-29 Dylan Thomas, John Wain, Philip Larkin, John Heath-Stubbs, Donald Davie, Kingsley Amis, Roy Fuller
33 1930-49 Derek Walcott, Ted Hughes, Anthony Thwaite, Peter Redgrove, George Macbeth, Brian Patten, Alan Brownjohn

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