суббота, 12 января 2019 г.

Kultur Lige Yiddish Avant Garde Books

Yiddish Avant Garde Books
This collection is comprised of of illustrated avant garde yiddish books from the period of 1919 which is the beginning of the Kultur Lige and extending to the 1930s.
It primarily includes books published in Kiev, Warsaw, Vienna, Berlin, Paris and New York.
I focus on the avant garde art and illustrators including:
 Natan Altmann,
 El Lizzitsky,
Joseph Tchaikov,
Boris Aronson,
Jennings (Yehudah) Tofel,
Benjamin Kopman,
Abraham Manievich,
Aaron Goodelman,
Abraham Walkowitz and
 Uriel Birnbaum
Zuni MAud .

Todros Geller is included even even though his avant garde period was short. I also will try to include books published by Der Kval in Vienna after WWI, Petropolis in Berlin, Farlag Amerike in NY and LM Stein in Chicago.

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