понедельник, 28 апреля 2014 г.

оратория «Вавилонское столпотворение» А Г. Рубинштейна


 оратория «Вавилонское столпотворение» А Г. Рубинштейна прозвучала единственный раз в 1869 году. Ее исполнил хор из 500 человек, которым дирижировал П.И. Чайковский.

Thurm zu Babel, Op.80 (Rubinstein, Anton)
Der Thurm zu Babel (The Tower of Babel) is a one-act 'sacred opera' by Anton Rubinstein to a libretto by Julius Rosenberg based on the story in the Book of Genesis, chapter II. The opera was written in 1869 and had its first performance in Königsberg on 9 February 1870.

The term 'sacred opera' (geistliche Oper in German) was invented by Rubinstein to denote staged works with "use of polyphonic choruses and a sober, edifying style relying on ‘exalted declamation’."[1]
 Rubinstein composed three other works of this type (Sulamith, Moses and Christus).

A fifth sacred opera, Cain, was uncompleted at his death.
The composer had hoped for a premiere in Berlin, but was consoled by the work's second production in Vienna on 20 February 1870, (which was attended by Johannes Brahms), after which Rubinstein wrote it had been 'brilliantly performed and very well received by the public.'
The work's first performance in America was in May 1881 in New York, when it was conducted by Leopold Damrosch.[2]
The destruction of the Tower in Der Thurm zu Babel is imaginatively realized by discordant passages in the orchestra (involving some passages in quintuple metre) and the chorus beginning to sing in three different languages.[3] A performance lasts about 45 minutes.

2 комментария:

  1. А как же исполнение в Одессе 11 марта 1901 года? РМГ. 1901. №12. Стб.375

    1. Благодарю за отзыв! Про исполнение в Одессе 11 марта 1901 года нигде в и-нете не встречала.
